Source code for feather.schema

"""Connect to MongoDB and provide a base schema which will
save deserialized data to a collection

The connections to mongodb are cached. Inspired by MongoEngine
import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, SchemaOpts
from feather.connection import get_database
from feather import errors
from feather.fields import MongoId

def _check_object_id(filter_spec):
    """Replaces the object id string in a filter spec with a pymongo
    if '_id' in filter_spec:
        filter_spec['_id'] = ObjectId(filter_spec['_id'])

class MonogSchemaOpts(SchemaOpts):
    """Adds 'constraints' option to the standard Marshmallow options
    def __init__(self, meta, **kwargs):
        SchemaOpts.__init__(self, meta, **kwargs)
        self.constraints = getattr(meta, 'constraints', ())

[docs]class MongoSchema(Schema): """A Marshmallow schema backed by MongoDB When data is loaded (deserialized) it is saved to a mongodb document in a collection matching the Schema name (and containing app - similar to Django table names) This enables marshmallow to behave as an ORM to MongoDB ``MongoSchema`` does not override any marshmallow methods. Instead it provides new methods which are recognised by feathers 'Resource' classes. Therefore, the database will not be affected if you call ``dump``/``dumps`` or ``load``/``loads`` Note: Currently we attempt to create the database constraints when the schema is initialized. Therefore, you must connect to a database first. """ OPTIONS_CLASS = MonogSchemaOpts # _id field provided by default. It will be autocreated when a document is posted. _id = MongoId(dump_only=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MongoSchema, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Name for the table/collection in the database self._name = kwargs.get('name', None) # Create any constraints for this collection self._create_constraints(self.get_collection()) def _db_name(self): """Generate a name for the collection which will be created to represent this schema. """ if not self._name: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ # Get the name of the current package. The last entry will be the module name # which we dont want name_parts = __name__.split('.')[:-1] name_parts.append(class_name.lower()) self._name = "_".join(name_parts) return self._name def _create_constraints(self, collection): """Create the constraints specified by the ``constraints`` option. They should be formatted so that they can be passed directly to ``create_index``. Args: collection: A pymongo ``Collection`` representing this schema """ for key, kwargs in self.opts.constraints: collection.create_index(key, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_collection(self): """Return the pymongo collection associated with this schema. """ # We get the connected mongo database and generate a collection # name based on the name of this schema. Mongodb will create the # collection if it doesn't already exist name = self._db_name() collection = get_database()[name] return collection
[docs] def get_filter(self, req): """Create a MongoDB filter query for this schema based on an incoming request. It is intended that this method be overridden in child classes to provide per-request filtering on ``GET`` requests. Args: req (falcon.Request) The falcon ``Request`` object currently being processed Returns: dict: A dictionary containing keyword arguments which can be passed directly to pymongos' ``find`` method. defaults to an empty dictionary (no filters applied) """ return {}
[docs] def find(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps pymongo's `find` for this collection """ collection = self.get_collection() return collection.find(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, filter_spec, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps pymongo's `find_one` for this collection """ collection = self.get_collection() _check_object_id(filter_spec) return collection.find_one(filter_spec, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, data): """Creates a new document in the mongodb database. Uses marshmallows' ``loads`` method to validate and complete incoming data, before saving it to the database. Args: data (str): JSON data to be validated against the schema Returns: validated: Tuple of (data, errors) containing the validated & deserialized data dict and any errors. """ validated = self.loads(data) # Retrieve the collection in which this document should be inserted collection = self.get_collection() # Insert document(s) into the collection try: if self.many: collection.insert_many( else: collection.insert_one( except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as error: validated.errors[errors.DUPLICATE_KEY] = error.details return validated
[docs] def patch(self, filter_spec, data): """'Patch' (update) an existing document Args: filter_spec (dict): The pymongo filter spec to match a single document to be updated data: JSON data to be validated, deserialized and used to update a document """ validated = self.loads(data, partial=True) collection = self.get_collection() _check_object_id(filter_spec) try: collection.update_one(filter_spec, {"$set":}) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as error: validated.errors[errors.DUPLICATE_KEY] = error.details return validated
[docs] def put(self, filter_spec, data): """'Put' (replace) an existing document See documentation for ``MongoSchema.patch`` """ validated = self.loads(data) collection = self.get_collection() _check_object_id(filter_spec) try: collection.replace_one(filter_spec, except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as error: validated.errors[errors.DUPLICATE_KEY] = error.details return validated
[docs] def delete(self, filter_spec): """Delete an existing document """ collection = self.get_collection() _check_object_id(filter_spec) collection.delete_one(filter_spec)
[docs] def count(self): """Wraps pymongo's `count` for this collection. Returns the count of all documents in the collection """ collection = self.get_collection() return collection.count()